Better never than late.

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.

Even if a farmer intends to loaf, he gets up in time to get an early start.

Few things tend more to alienate friendship than a want of punctuality in our engagements. I have known the breach of a promise to dine or sup to break up more than one intimacy.

He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time.

I am a believer in punctuality though is makes me very lonely.

I could never think well of a man's intellectual or moral character, if he was habitually unfaithful to his appointments.

I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time, and it has made a man of me.

I have been on a calendar, but never on time.

I owe all my success in life to having been always a quarter of an hour before my time.

I've been on a calendar, but I've never been on time.

If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own.

If you're there before it's over, you're on time.

Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, be prompt and you dine alone. For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, but has trouble enough of its own.

Promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful.

Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues: always insist on it in your subordinates.

Punctuality is the politeness of kings.

Punctuality is the soul of business.

Punctuality is the thief of time. Wilde I never travel without my diary. One should always have Something sensational to read in the train.

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